by Jeff | May 21, 2019 | Not Proof Read - 1st Draft, Personal Journey, Vanilla
I’ve been blogging on my bus and subway rides as a good way to work out my feelings and mindset in between therapy. It’s helpful, and I recommend it, even if you don’t really tell anybody about the blogs. They can still be therapeutic. It’s...
by Jeff | May 2, 2019 | Not Proof Read - 1st Draft, Orange Jeff Show, Personal Journey, Second Life
I’m just the right amount of the high to blog, and 9:36pm on a Thursday. I am doing my best not to panic, and not to freak out, because I feel a failure cominhg on, and I’m not sure what to do about it. Noteable this week. Phyciatrist on Monday. Weird. Not...
by Jeff | Apr 24, 2019 | Live Brain Transcript, Not Proof Read - 1st Draft, Personal Journey
I woke up from another dream at around 7am today, a Wednesday, but it was a fresh awake wake-up. The first I’ve had since my medication screw up almost 3 weeks ago. I stood up, and didn’t lay back down again. I sat at the computer and started my morning...
by Jeff | Mar 5, 2019 | Fiction, Not Proof Read - 1st Draft, Personal Journey, Vanilla
I take a drug called Paxil for obsession. I missed one day and had the most obsessive dreams I could imagine. I woke up just now at 6 minutes to 6 am from an obsessive nightmare. My things were gone. All the useless things. The things I’d been collecting. I had...